/* external file "mybcparmsg.txt" begins */ // begin: Belt Conveyer's Parameters //======================== //PATTERN: SINGLE or MORE. How many messages may reside within scrolling area // while PAUSING: 0 for SINGLE: only one; 1 for More: as many as they fit in the area; var bmsgnr=0; //If chosen bmsgnr=1 above, the "stilmsg" in STEP I must have "text-align:left". //A 20px wide blank space is automatically inserted after every //message. Each one will pause when reaching the left edge. //If chosen bmsgnr=0, recommended CSS is "text-align:center", //then any message shorter than conveyer width will be centered. //When larger than conveyer width, automatically a 20px wide //blank space is inserted after any such message. //When no blank space automatically inserted is desired set below value 1: var blanspa=0; //FIRST message shows up at the right edge and starts scrolling: 0 //If you want First message to pop up at the left edge (or centered based on CSS) //set below value: 1 var rlopt=0; //WIDTH of the Conveyer in pixels: set to your own; //"px" unit will automatically be added in the process, so do not write px; var bwidth=500; //HEIGHT of the Conveyer in pixels: set to your own; //"px" unit will automatically be added in the process, so do not write px; //"20" is more or less for one line! var bheight=20; //SPEED in pixels: the higher the faster. var bspeed=1; //PAUSE between messages in milliseconds: 1000=1s; set to your own; var bpause = 2000; //BACKGROUND: either color(1) or image(2, see below ) ; //1.Background color: could be like: "#ffff00" or "yellow"; //set it "" for no background color; var bbcolor="#999999"; //or 2.Background image: "imagename.ext"; //leave it "" for no image background; var bbground=""; //BORDER for sliding area: 1, ... ; //set it 0(zero) for no border; var bborder=2; //LIVE speed-change option: let it be 0 if not desired or change to 1 below if desired; //"stilefss" would be the STYLE (CSS), see STEP I above; //belcolor would be background color for the area; var bsopt = 0; if(bsopt==1){ var besclass='class="stilefss"'; var belcolor='#ccffcc'; } //end Parameters // begin: Belt Conveyer's Messages/Images - //Messages: as many/few as you'd like: set to your own; //Every message MUST be set as a continuous string within '...'; //you may split it by using '+ at ends and then ' at continuations; //Inside any message you MUST use \' in lieu of ' if need be! //You may use as many "&+n+b+s+p;" as you'd need to space //within messages - quotes and plus signs don't belong there! //Any message may have inside tags like , , ..., but no //line breakers such as
, , if it's one row scroll. //Images stand alone or used within a message - preload is recommended: //preloadname = new Image(); //preloadname.src = "imagename.ext"; //sglm[..]='< ... ><...>'; //width parameter above is a MUST for every image - may be different; var sglm=new Array(); sglm[0]='Venta, Instalación y Mantenimiento de Sistemas de Energía Alternativa'; sglm[1]='Reduzca o elimine su factura eléctrica con: Paneles Fotovoltáicos,'; sglm[2]='Generadores por viento o turbinas eólicas (molinos),'; sglm[3]=' Calentadores Solares de Agua.'; sglm[4]='Sistemas de captación y aprovechamiento eficiente de la Energía Solar'; sglm[5]=' Aires Acondicionados Solares'; sglm[6]=' Refresque su casa, su trabajo o su descanso, diga adios al calor: ' sglm[7]=' Neveras, Frezzer y Aires Solares'; sglm[8]='Garantía en nuestros productos y servicios.'; sglm[9]='Bombas de Agua Solares'; sglm[10]='Inversores y una Amplia gama de Baterías ' sglm[11]='Asesoría Técnica, Instalación, Mantenimiento, Reparación y Ventas.'; sglm[12]=' Teléfono 809-247-4722 '; // ... //sglm[...]='...'; //end Messages /* end of external_remote file "mybcparmsg.txt" */